Reasons to Get a Buddhist Tattoo

If you are into tattoo very much, you probably have been thinking about getting a Buddhist tattoo – for whatever reason you have in mind. Most people who want to get the tattoo do it because they are respecting the persona and they like the idea of such a peaceful teaching. But remember that different people have different opinions and views – things that can be considered wrong or contrary.

About Buddhist Tattoos

Buddhism was taken way back in the history, around 5 century B.C. Known as the ‘awakened one’, Buddha is believed to be the persona responsible for the spiritual philosophy and teaching. The philosophy is pretty peaceful, with the concept of karma and samsara. Most people who study Buddha claim that they get personal calmness and peace. And they want to stay related to the Buddhism through the symbols – which are later on used in tattoos.

The Popular Buddhist Symbols

Among the many symbols used in Buddhist tattooing, the figure Buddha himself is a quite popular symbol. His face is peaceful with the relaxed position that represents himself as the figure of calmness and peace. A lot of people look up to him, adoring the philosophy and principle. They honor him by having the ink done to their body.

Another popular thai tattoos symbol is the lotus which represents a new life; an awakening or a rebirth. Lotus is usually found in the muddy ponds and the idea that such a beautiful blooming flower that can grow from such a foul-looking background is appealing, representing bravery, strength, and hope. Some of the most popular tattoo designs can be implemented through colored or black and white model. Some include shading on its own.

Why Having the Tattoo?

Again, the reasons for having tattoos are different from one person to another. But in the most cases, most people who choose the Buddhist tattoos are enthralled with the idea of peace and calmness, and they look up to the Buddha figure himself. They put some kind of an homage to the figure and ink themselves as a way of respect and also a personal self-reminder. 

From their point of view, they see the ink as a type of respect that will remind them of the philosophy and the teaching every time they look at it. After all, it is the philosophy of gentleness, kindness, and peace and having the symbols on their body is considered as the best way to remind themselves constantly.